DGMT Workshop IFAT 2018

What´s up in Membrane Technology in Germany – Science and Innovation

16. May 2018 Ι 10.30 – 01.00 pm

Hall A3 Ι Room A32

IFAT 2018 Munich

The German Society for Membrane Technology DGMT hosted a workshop on the latest developments in membrane technology in the context of the IFAT 2018 presented by the DGMT members.

The workshop consisted of seven short presentations summarizing the research findings of selected joint projects in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding measure WavE and MachWas followed by a panel discussion.


Introducing the speakers:

BMBF funding measure WavE
BMBF funding measure MachWas
Dr. Eva Gilbert
EnviroChemie GmbH
Dr. Peter Berg
inge GmbH
Dr. Bernd Fitzke
WEHRLE Umwelt GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Bolduan
atech Innovations GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kozariszczuk
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Wolters
VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut (BFI)
Dr. Thomas Schiestel
Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen und
Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB
Prof. Dr. Stefan Panglisch
IWW Institute for Water Research
and University Duisburg-Essen

Introducing the moderators:

Prof. Dr. Winfried Schmit
DGMT e.V., Essen

Panel Moderator:
Dr. Thomas Track
DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt a.M.